Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Houston we have a problem...

Houston we have a problem... Jan 14

Janet gave us all a good scare when she sent the below email out. The title alone was enough to get my heart racing as to what could have happened.

From Janet:
...I just took a spill on my bike (wiped out on some loose sand) and probably cracked a rib or two. My ample experience in this area tells me it will be about a week before I can do much of any kind of working out on a (stationary) bike, and another week after that before I get back on my actual road bike. Meantime ice, Allieve, and Gino. Gino is my personal medicine man/holy man who got me well in time for RAAM 2007 when I did the exact same thing.

The reason she says she has ample experience with cracked ribs is that she had a similar accident two years ago- about a month before the start of her first RAAM attempt as a two woman team. Amazingly she was able to recover and they had a fantastic RAAM.

Although it does appear that Janet did in fact crack a few ribs in the crash and possibly suffered from some pulled intercostal muscles, she was able to quickly return to her bike and do some easy rides, albeit with some shallow breathing. All of us who know her, know that she is a fighter and will not let a few cracked ribs slow her down. We just keep reminding her that the wheels of the bike belong under her and not over her head.

It just goes to show that anything can happen during the run up to the starting line. Hopefully this is the last of Mr. Murphy's (you know- the guy that came up with some crazy rule) musings with the Osprey.

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